World Renewal International

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Before Me, Behind Me and With Me.

Most of the time when we look at the 139th Psalm (TLNT) we are looking at the passage that points out the sacredness of life and conception. "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. ... I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day passed." I like those words don't you?

King David was seemingly overwhelmed with the fact that God knows us, thinks of us, "how precious are your thoughts about me, they are innumerable!" (17) and has such a wonderful plan for our lives. He states earlier that "you chart the path ahead of me."(3) You know, I'm kind of overwhelmed about that myself!

Verse 5 makes me think of my friend Tele Moraes(Pictured at WRI's 20th Anniversary Celebration with Gary), President of World Renewal-Brazil. "You both proceed and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head." I have often said "God goes before Tele preparing the way, God goes behind Tele covering and protecting him and walks with him anointing Tele with His Presence empowering Tele to do God's miraculous work on earth." I have said, "Tele is the Apostle Paul of northeastern Brazil." I guess there must be a little of "David the Psalmist" there too. It is wonderful to know and work with Godly people like Tele. It amazes and encourages me and builds my faith to see God work in their lives.

However, the truth is my friend, God feels the same about you as he does about Tele and King David. He has no less thoughts about you. Remember? God is no "respecter of persons"? "Every moment of your life was laid out before a single day had passed." How precious are His thoughts about you. "They are innumerable. I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand."(18)

My friend Dr. Dennis Kinlaw once said, "If there could be any disappointment in heaven it would be if God sat down with us and showed us the blueprints for the plan He had for our lives and where we deviated from His plan." Lord help me to see and hear your path and plan!

If God invented music, and he did, then he invented the song. The psalmist said that He sings. What does God sing about? I think he sings about His kids. We sing "O how I love Jesus! O How I love Jesus!" But what does He sing about? What are His songs about?
The wind softly blew today when I was walking to the car here in rural Indiana. I love to listen to the sounds of the country. Sometimes I think I can hear Him. In fact, I think I heard Him singing today. I am sure I heard Him. Guess what He was singing about? I am sure He was singing of His love for you. You must really be special. O Yeah, He already said that all the way through Psalm 139 didn't He?
Thanks for stopping by.
:: posted by Gary Wright, 10:46 PM


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