World Renewal International

Monday, February 19, 2007

House of Prayer

I grew up in little country churches that called midweek service "Prayer Meeting." I always thought that strange since there was no more prayer in those services than at any other time. It was mostly Bible study. We seem to talk about prayer as being so important but seem to do very little of it. Any preacher, teacher or witness that wants to make an audience feel guilty just needs to point out the fact we probably don't pray enough. None of us feel we pray enough and we know that much of our praying is so self-centered and self-absorbed.

I am thinking about his disciples when they said, "Teach us to pray." He answered with what we call the "Lord's Prayer." Isn't it interesting that they did not ask, "teach us to preach, teach, heal" or some other great ministry? If I "look to Jesus", I think it means I talk to him a great deal.

All four Gospels contain the "clearing the temple" event. Must be important. He called the temple his "House of Prayer." A lot of things happen when we worship, but He said it should be a "House of Prayer." I know this, the greatest miracles are the changed lives of sinners to devout Christ followers. It does not happen because of slick presentation but because someone is introduced to a living presence of Christ. It seems to me if we make it a House of Prayer we are talking to the Christ so that when people walk through the doors they encounter the One we have been talking to in that place. Lives are changed for eternity and we are his trophies for all to see, He changes sinners to devout Christ followers through prayer.

My dad almost always prayed out loud. It seemed the older he got the more he prayed, and it was mostly out loud. It got confusing to ride with him in the car at the end. I didn't always know if he was talking to me or the Lord. Those seemed to be his most fruitful years as well. It seemed he lead someone to Christ every week. Teach us to pray. It should be called a "House of Prayer." Thanks for stopping by.

DID YOU KNOW? World Renewal has been involved in the planting of over 114 churches since 1993. May they all be called a "House of Prayer."

(Picture above is of the first gathering of pastors and leaders to Eastern Europe Evangelical Friends Church Yearly Meeting conference. About 55-60 churches in Hungary, Romania and Albania we are told.)

To see past blog pictures and Gary's daily writings click on month at left under "Current."

:: posted by Gary Wright, 10:06 PM


Hi Gary, This is my first time to a blog site! It's great to read about what is happening both personally and with WRI. I love to here stories about your father, I wish I had known him. Keep on keeping on.
God Bless,
Gary Steer
Anonymous Anonymous, at February 20, 2007 at 8:12 AM  

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