World Renewal International

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


(Above my grandson, Stefan and daughter Chris who live in Colorado Springs)

Sunday at the close of the service I worshiped by serving communion. When I took the bread it ended my 45 days of fasting. I must admit, I wept. I felt when I was fasting I was giving something to the Lord that I could not give any other way. I was sad to see it end. I know that seems far out but it is true. Therefore, eating again has not been embraced with the enthusiasm I would have expected.

I am so glad I chose the fast as a way of worshiping the Lord in my life. I know I now need to find other ways to serve him with the same passion as during those 45 days. Fasting is not complicated, you do it or you don't. It is black and white in a world full of grey. It reminded me the whole day that I am his child and I liked that and at this time seemed to need that. In some ways, the adjustment to not fasting has been more difficult than the adjustment to fast.

My life verse is found in 2 Corinthians 12:9 "It simply says God's power shows up best in weakness." I was 18 years old when I first read that with understanding. I remember thinking, "If that verse is true, I really have a chance to be used of God." I stood in the aisle of South Meridian Church of God in Anderson, Indiana, and said, "God, I believe your word is true, I take this verse and claim it for as long as I live." I have claimed that verse over and over in the 37 years since that day of February 1970. I noticed the word "best" in the LBT. I am not sure what I might have done "best" in anything. I do know there are things I do better than other things I do and those things I do best seem to really involve Him. It seems to me there is self-confidence and then there is Christ-confidence. Christ-confidence is what I believe he can do through me. There is no question in my mind which has worked best for me down through the years. How about you?

Thanks for stopping by.

:: posted by Gary Wright, 2:13 PM


I've never given up something for Lent before, but I think I will do so every year. And to think, I merely gave up chocolate but He gave up His life!
Anonymous Anonymous, at April 10, 2007 at 6:42 PM  
I have stood on that verse also. The things that we do best is always when we are in our weakness and we have God's power to work through us. Any other time, the things that we are good at, we seem to do them in our own power, that is why they are not the "best"!! Praise God that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength! He is the BEST!!

I have heard that after a fast like you have been on, going back to eating is the hardest part.

Thanks for sharing.
Blogger Donna, at April 10, 2007 at 10:31 PM  

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