World Renewal International

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Sabbath Needed

My apologies to those of you who have stopped by and not found a new post for about a week at this site. My wife and staff talked me into taking some time off. Preaching and teaching, missions, pastoring and ministering on the radio are all very rewarding to me. However, it does some strange things to my brain at times. I was mentally out of gas and energy. My wife convinced me to take some time away from all. I am so excited to be back to my work again. Sabbath times are needed. Thank you for understanding.

It was a little overwhelming to find out that many of the people I pastored and care for in Greensburg, Kansas and the surrounding area experienced and still are experiencing the tragedy of the tornado that destroyed 95% of the town Friday night. It was April 20th that I stopped by Greensburg, Ks. to visit some friends and thank them for friendships and help their help to this ministry. I walked downtown Main Street into businesses to share my gratitude. (See my April 16 & April 24 posts for those days at Barclay College). Kiowa County and Greensburg, Kansas is where World Renewal Intl began and was first registered in the county courthouse.

Our friends' houses are gone, their churches are gone, their places of work are gone. However, the friends we know are all alive and in good health. Haviland Friends Church where I pastored from 1979-1986 is 10 minutes from Greensburg. Haviland is also the home for Barclay College where I was Chairman of the Pastoral Ministries Department from 1986-1990.

Brian Hanneken, who is an administrator at Barclay College stated to me that the college is serving as the headquarters for F.E.M.A., the Salvation Army and the Red Cross. Samaritan's Purse is also part of the response organizations. The men's dormitory is housing 62 National Guard soldiers, the girl's dormitory is full of relief workers. The college gym is serving as a distribution center for food and clothes. The first response organizations have flooded the town with semi-trailers full of clothes, food and other essential needs of victims of this kind of disaster. These initial needs are being met.

Haviland Friends Church worship service Sunday was seen around the world on international news television as it is one of the few churches left standing in Kiowa County and a gathering place for a county-wide worship service. Please pray for Barclay College President Herb Frazier and Haviland Friends Pastor Everett Jantz. They find themselves in a great challenge of both opportunity to serve and stretching resources to meet the needs of hurting people and serving those meeting the needs of those people.

We have been encouraged by the leaders in this community to wait a few weeks and then form a plan to help in the rebuilding process. This what World Renewal will do. We know it is going to be a long process of rebuilding and restoring. When the initial time of early response has passed, we want to be there for the people who helped us start WRI.
In other World Renewal News, the first Clint Clouse Women's Leadership Conference is taking place in Cap Haitian, Haiti this week. Pastor Wes Davis[pictured lower right], Frank Penna [pictured lower left} and Max Wright along with Herve are providing leadership. Please pray for their safety and fruitfulness this week.

Thanks for stopping by.
:: posted by Gary Wright, 4:54 PM


I have missed your posts but so glad that you took some time away from it all to be refreshed and refired!! Even Jesus had to do that.

I thought of you when I heard about what happened in Greensburg, Ks. Thank you for the update on what is going on there.
Blogger Donna, at May 10, 2007 at 9:34 AM  

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