World Renewal International

Monday, July 9, 2007

Sweet Sounds?

We had our grandsons here at our house for the last several weeks. Now that they are gone it is so quiet that it hurts. I do not have the vocabulary to describe my feelings about grandchildren, just like I do not have the words to describe how I feel about our Lord Jesus Christ. We get all involved in our worlds of "getter done" and miss so much of what He has already done.

I have to admit that my favorite event of their visit was hearing my three year old grandson, Addison, pray. Addison had problems talking. He was so slow to pick up words and was way behind what the experts said he should be. He was tested for a variety of problems. At one point the doctors said he had made up his own language. It made us all concerned. A couple of months ago they removed his tonsils, adenoids and a dislodged tube in his ear. It seemed to open up the Niagara Falls of communication for him. Now we can't get him to shut up!

I so enjoy hearing him talk. He is a pretty boy. Often he was mistaken when he was younger for being a girl. He is just really cute. He also has a sweet little voice. One day several weeks ago before their visit he went to his mother and said he wanted to call Papaw on the phone. I only got a voice mail recording, "Papaw, I love you. I love you Papaw, Goodbye." I saved it and have listened to that little voice and message over and over. When I had to get a new phone, I made sure his little message was part of the transfer of information.

Several times when they first arrived, I asked Addison to pray for us at meal times. He would just get embarrassed and shake his head no. It was not until his mother visited one of her friends who had a little boy named Asher, that Addison was willing to pray. You see Asher is older and he prays at meals. Upon returning to my house, I asked Addison to pray. Seemingly, remembering his friend Asher praying, Addison decided he could pray too. His prayers were long and detailed. He thanked God for Batman, Spider man and the little plastic wildlife animals Papaw had bought him and his brother. He prayed for his "owies" the scraped knee and the elbow he always tells me he hurt months or seconds ago. His prayers were so long that other family members would start to whisper, "Say 'Amen!' Addison, say 'Amen!" He only seemed to say, "Amen" when he was good and ready which was none too soon for the others waiting to eat. I could not always hear what that little voice was praying but it was one of the most sweet and enjoyable sounds I have ever heard.

It made me think of Jesus and his coming to earth to show us "How". Addison it seems needed someone his age, Asher, to help him see he could pray too. It makes me think of the importance of on-the-job-training in discipling others. We need to see someone like us doing what we should do and then we can do it too! Paul encouraged other Christians in 1 Corinthians 4:16 "I urge you to imitate me." We need to learn from others example, we need to be a model for others. We will probably hear some more sweet sounds when we do.
Thanks for stopping by.
:: posted by Gary Wright, 1:36 PM


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