World Renewal International

Friday, January 25, 2008

50 Years of Marriage-Jack and Rowena

This weekend my prayer partner and radio show co-host, Jack Holliday (Rowena) of the Welcome Home Broadcast will celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary January 26. [Pictured- Jack and Gary doing the Welcome Home Broadcast] It is an awesome accomplishment for many reasons. Obviously, most marriages don't last that long and for many reasons. Lots of folks just do not live enough years to achieve such a wonderful goal. Unfortunately, many married folks decide they do not want to stay married for 5o years. Being a pastor and minister for almost 40 years, I think I have heard most of the reasons for this missing of the mark. It is usually not the choice of both parties and usually appears that one walks away happy or in love with someone else and the other is hurt. I have found everyone involved gets hurt. Especially the children.

It all becomes so complicated. Family gatherings force a togetherness of offended parties and those yet to be offended. Children's schedules that force the adults involved to communicate often turn into opportunity for the ugly side of the carnal heart to strut its stuff. Children learn to manipulate and use the adults to meet childish desires and wants and of course occasionally real needs. I once heard one of these children who had received a present from a little seen father as a "guilt gift." This teenager knew how to get the things she wanted. The skills they develop during these maneuvers are not relationship and character builders and make for futures that need the grace and love of Jesus. It makes the little chorus "Pass it on" have a totally different meaning.

With all this in mind it makes the accomplishments of my friends Jack and Rowena stand out like an oasis in a dry desert. Congratulations Jack and Rowena! Your children and grandchildren and their children and their spouses and family are the winners here. All those you minister to as pastors and those that you work with and know your are blessed. Someone said to me yesterday, "I don't think I know anyone else who has been married 50 years!"

Now, I was Jack and Rowena's pastor when their children were still in school and college. I was there when they experienced many difficult things in their lives. I have listened as they explained past trials in their lives. They faced things that could have destroyed their relationship. But they took serious the promises they had made to one another and to the Lord Jesus. They prayed, studied God's word, they sought counsel, they cried, they overcame and did what they had to do to keep a marriage that others have lost. Any of us who have maintained a lengthy marriage have that same testimony. Life deals some ugly blows. The enemy has sunk many a nuptial ship. No one can right a sinking or disabled ship like Jesus.

We need to remember that God invented weddings and marriages. It was not Hollywood and movies or a good novel that came up with "I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you and have babies together." It was the Master Inventor himself, and its is his book, the Bible, that first says those words to us. He "first loved us" and wants to be with us at all times. He wants to be there when we have a lover and spouse. He wants to be there to share in the building of our families. After all He is the one who said "It is not good for Man to be alone, I'll make him a helper, a companion." It was all His idea. He also knows how to make it work, even for 50+ years. His instructions on how to make it work should not be ignored.

Some of you reading this, maybe most of you, have gone through a divorce and a broken marriage. It may not have been your choice to end the marriage. On the other hand, some may say, "I really was at fault and messed it up!" Please understand, I am not wishing to throw gasoline on your fire of hurt or guilt. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for over 36 years. I do not deserve her devotion and love. I am just thankful to Jesus and for role models in both of our parents and grandparents who stayed together for better or worse until death caused them to part. I am thankful we had this close-up picture that said, "This is how you do it." I am grateful for God's mercy and grace. I have needed it as a husband. I have been really stupid at times. Grace, what a wonderful life source. I am grateful for a spouse who has refused to give up on our marriage and me.

My advice? Marriage is wonderful and I highly recommend it. If your married, stay married if possible and love the one your with. Have I got a simple strategy? Yes! The prophet Micah [6:8] asked the question, "What does God want?" "What does He (God) require?" Micah wrote He wants us to do three things: "To do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God." I think this will make a great strategy not only for life but also for marriage. All I can say is, "Works for Me"

Congratulations Jack and Rowena, my life is better and blessed for knowing you.

Thanks for stopping by.
:: posted by Gary Wright, 10:37 AM


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