World Renewal International

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Brazil Medical Team

Our medical team is in Brazil. They left Thursday morning and arrived Friday. Dr. Charles Taylor is the lead physician from our country and Dr. Santos is the lead physician from Brazil. Both are brilliant doctors in their fields. [Steve Turner is our director for Brazil from the USA side. He and Carol have worked hard since January to prepare the way for the teams in Brazil. Carol Wright does the logistical planning and scheduling of the teams.]

The team is made up of folks from Brookville Rd. and Brandywine Community Churches. One does not need to be of medical background to be extremely useful on the team. An example is Edna Chestnut, our payroll accountant here at WRI and my niece, Karman Wright. Karman is the daughter of my brother Pastor Mark and Kathy Wright. Karman is a senior at Eastern Hancock High School and has been on several trips to Mexico City but this is her first to Brazil.

[Dr. Taylor with some of our Brazilian staff and those seeking medical treatment]

Our Brazilian staff do a great job of ministering to folks even as they wait in the long lines to see our doctors and nurses. They also follow-up a few weeks afterwards and that gives them a great opportunity to mminister on the spiritual side.

[Dr. Santos, known throughout the medical world for his work and writing as an internist, is in the orange shirt. He brings his interns to be a part of this experience. He is a wonderful man of God. We are blessed to have him. ]

[Most major cities of the world have whole communities of people who live and survive by living in the dump as this community visited by the medical team.

[Long lines of people wait to be treated in the dump]

Pray for them and keep up with them on the Brazil blog. That link is to your left. Follow them each day and pray for them.

[The mayor of Carpina, population 100,000, makes arrangements for our team to use a mobile unit for the clinics at the dump. The flies are so thick it is hard to take a pulse unless the inside the unit. The smell and the flies make it tough on the team, but this home to so many who need treatment.]

[Edna Chestnut, WRI-USA staff two years ago on the medical team in Brazil
with one of the children.]

Thanks for stopping by.
:: posted by Gary Wright, 11:00 AM


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