World Renewal International

Friday, October 31, 2008

Delays! Who Needs Them? We Do!

Delays! Delays! Delays! We all hate delays, right? The last week of July we sent the Birthday Party for Jesus gifts to Haiti so they would have them in time for Christmas. The staff at Wayne Phelps's Bulaforge Industry in Cleveland, Ohio helped us send 16 crates to Florida where they were loaded on a ship and sent on to Haiti. We were disappointed with the length of time it took We have so many more supplies that need to be shipped to a very needy group of people, especially children. Some of the shipment was much needed supplies to be used right away. Max Wright, our director for World Renewal-Haiti had visited a few months ago but back problems prevented him from taking much because he could not carry much without hurting his back. We had wanted to send much with him. Delays, I hate delays don't you?

I have been teaching at Brandywine Community Church on Abraham and Jacob in a Wednesday night Bible study. Abraham and Sarah had so many delays in their lives. As one of my favorite lyrics of Maury Macy song says about Sarah, "Old lady, going to have a baby, long past her time, old lady going to sing her lullaby." I am sure they thought that 70-80 years was a little long to wait for their first child. Talk about delay! But our Lord had a reason for the delay. He waited until it was so obvious that these two had dead bodies in the sense of reproduction abilities. Isaac would be an absolute miracle that all would have to admit. Of course, along the way the Lord used the delay to teach these two and us the ends and outs of trusting the Lord and his promises. Delay equaled grace building. Sometimes it still does.

If the crates had arrived in Haiti on time we would have lost it all when the floods from the 4 hurricanes destroyed all of our property there. Instead when the children and adults had survived by Pastor Luc relying on the guidance of the Lord, the crates were delivered when they had gone days without anything! I am sure from the pictures I am including that it at least brought some joy and supplies to adults and our orphan children after going through terrible displacement and suffering. Oh ,Yes! If Max had been able to carry more supplies several months ago we would have lost it all in the flood. After he got to Haiti his back quite hurting and he was able to visit some of our most remote villages. We humans have a lot to learn about trusting and walking with an all knowing and all loving God. Amen?

Thanks for stopping by.
:: posted by Gary Wright, 4:45 PM


Gary thanks for sharing this. That is awesome how God works.
Blogger Donna, at November 3, 2008 at 9:24 PM  

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