World Renewal International

Friday, October 24, 2008

Jonathan's First - On A Difficult Day

Our youngest son, Jonathan, preached his first sermon today. One of his closest friends in high school was Brandon Wickliff who is stationed in Afghanistan in our military. Brandon had to fly home this week because his 18 year old brother, Kyle, was killed in an auto accident. Kyle's mom asked Jonathan to do the funeral since he knew them and Kyle. Jon felt it to be a great honor that they asked him and his mom and I felt the same.

Jonathan, was a close friend of this family. It has only been in the last few months that Jon settled the ministry issue of his being called by God to preach and pastor. He has done the radio show for me several times as has Micah when I was unavailable. Carol and I had never talked to him about going into ministry although it seemed that most people who really knew Jon, knew he would someday go in that direction. He seemed to be the only one who did not know.

Carol and I could not help but be a little overwhelmed by God's faithfulness and grace as we set with a grieving congregation of over 700+ people and listened to this young man share from his heart his first sermon. He said to the crowd, "I do not know why God allowed this to happen... but this is what I do know....Heaven is real, Heaven is there and heaven is waiting." Those exact words come from one of my dad's favorite sermons. Mark and I seldom preach a funeral without using those promises. I did not know Jon knew them. Now to set an hear Jon, the third generation, repeat them was very moving. It is what we believe to be true. Carol and I feel so blessed by the Lord. Jon asked if he could practice his sermon on us last night. It was the same room where we have often prayed with Jon and for him through some difficult days the last four or five years. "His love endures forever." God is so faithful. We are thanking Him for answered prayer in our family.

Our hearts go out to Kyle's family, his mom is Anna and dad is Jeff. Please pray for them. They are a part of my brother's congregation at Brandywine Community Church. Kyle was a fun person and full of charisma.
Thanks for stopping by.
:: posted by Gary Wright, 1:41 PM


Thanks for sharing. I can't imagine after all that has occurred the last 5 years how it must have felt to be Jon's daddy in that congregation. To know that, but for the grace of our savior you might have had to switch places with Jeff, an instead your sone can speak of his own pursuit of Christ.
Anonymous Anonymous, at October 30, 2008 at 4:21 PM  
I was in that congregation,and I thank Jonathan for preaching. I wish that I could believe that Heaven is real and that Heaven is waiting. My hearts aches and my tears haven't stopped flowing. I have lost too many loved ones over the past few years and I have lost my faith. I have prayed over and over for God to help my unbelief. It was a great blessing to me to hear that Kyle had been baptized and to learn that he was a member of your church. But I still don't have the simple faith that I will see him again. I feel lost, alone, and adrift in an uncaring sea. I wish that I had your faith and assurance in salvation.
Blogger Annie, at November 3, 2008 at 1:04 PM  

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