World Renewal International

Friday, May 15, 2009

It started with a challenge over 25 years ago to be sure to take your family to heaven. The messages spoke of heaven and hell. Renewal sang “Why didn’t I Repent?”Jesus’ story of two men who died. Then came some specifics. A challenge to husbands and dads to “Build A Hedge” ( again Doug Newnum wrote the song and Renewal sang the message in song) a call to spiritual righteousness, modeling, protection and prayer for the family. “Chain of Grace” and “Three Chairs” was a continued message and challenge to men to be leaders of their families, church and community. Pass the faith along to those who God has given you and are coming behind you. Now, a new chapter. “Spoken Blessing” a message based on the Heavenly Father’s words about his own Son. Doug’s new song. “Where would I be without Jesus In My Life” describes some personal history of God’s faithfulness to him and his family.

When I started this challenge my children were at home and some quite young. I was always concerned about how I modeled what I preached. My imperfections, failures and wrong choices seemed glaring to me at times as we ministered these themes in preaching and song. When I started preaching these challenges there were few “How to books” for men in the Christian book stores. When “Promise Keepers” came along I felt, “Well, I must have heard the Lord correctly!” It encouraged me in the direction our ministry had taken.

Now it seems we have at times become so overloaded in good information in the church that men still need encouragement to be the best husbands, fathers, grandfathers and sons that they can be.

This past year I had the privilege to be part of the teaching team of Men’s Fraternity at Brandywine Community Church where my brother Mark is senior pastor. They worked with my travel schedule and this allowed me to grow as a teacher of the men and as a husband and father. I have learned that men want to be good fathers and husbands. They respond to God’s word and want practical “HOW TO”S”. I grew up with good and Godly parents and grandparents. However, I have found it is easy to stand still when as a man one needs to act and take responsibility. My heart aches for men who have not had the models and words from dad or grandpa. We hope to encourage those in your congregation.
Thanks for stopping by.
:: posted by Gary Wright, 4:25 PM


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