World Renewal International

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Gary In Brazil Celebrating 10th Anniversary of Seminary

What a joy to be in Brazil to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of our Northeastern Seminary and Bible College. I first stayed at this facility when it was a full service hotel. Never did we dream until the hotel went up for sale that it could become the headquarters for World Renewal-Brazil and the Northeastern Seminary. [Pictured-Gary and Tele preach and teach at the Seminary] We have about 40 students who are training as church leaders, pastors and church planters. During the day it is the International School, preschoolers thru 9th grade. The school teaches and English core and the message of the Bible. On Sundays the facility is a Community Church. That is maximizing the use of facilities. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Thanks for stopping by.
:: posted by Gary Wright, 11:28 AM


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