World Renewal International

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Indiana Yearly Meeting Pastors Retreat

I had the pleasure of speaking three times last weekend at the Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends Pastors at the Essenhaus Conference Center in Middlebury, IN. This is the group of churches that I grew up in as a boy and young man. It was these folks that I was first recorded as ordained of the Lord to be an evangelist and pastor. Doug Shoemaker is the Superintendent of these churches scattered across Indiana, Michigan and a few in Ohio. What a joy it was to minister to these pastors and their spouses. I preached about the Apostle John and how he was "the disciple Jesus kept on loving,' Jeremiah who was chosen in his youth do a tough calling and finally the women who bleed for 12 years before touching the clothing of Jesus. Thanks for stopping by.
:: posted by Gary Wright, 7:54 PM


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