World Renewal International

Friday, August 6, 2010

Two wealthy Christians, a lawyer and a merchant, who traveled with a group that was going around the world. As they were visiting in Korea, they saw by the side of the road, a field in which a boy was pulling a crude plow and an old man held the plow handles and guided it.

The lawyer was amused and took a snapshot of the scene. He turned to the missionary, who served as their interpreter and guide, and he said, "That’s a curious picture. I suppose they are very poor." The missionary replied, "Yes, that is the family of Chi Noue. When the place of worship was being built, they were eager to give something to it, but they had no money, so they sold their only ox and gave the money to the church. This spring, they are pulling the plow themselves."

The men were silent for several moments, then the businessman replied, "That must have been a real sacrifice." The missionary said, "They do not call it that. They thought it was fortunate that they had an ox to sell." Lord, that I would love you like these.

Thanks for stopping by.
:: posted by Gary Wright, 3:35 PM


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