World Renewal International

Friday, September 16, 2011

New Church Mexico City Area

Pastor Ramiro Martinez of Mexico City says:
Dear brothers and friends:
We are so thankful with God because last November 15th we started new meetings of the New Church “Roca de Vida Del Valle”, those attending are 20 people (including two children and one baby!). GLORY TO GOD!. God opened the door for this wonderful facility with a reasonable monthly rent. This church is the fruit of the work of over a year meetings and discipleship with two Bible study. Please pray for:
1) God will bring those that will be saved.
2) For a good testimony before the supervisor of the Local Government.
3) Growing of the new members
4) For a Christmas Evangelistic breakfast on December 13th.
5) Provision to pay the expenses and the needs.
:: posted by Gary Wright, 8:46 AM


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